This is your opportunity to connect with an extensive networking system of teachers, coordinators, and administrators of World Languages!

  • Attend the annual meeting (typically in October) for relevant professional development that focuses on topics that are current & relevant in language instruction.

  • Involve your students in the Farrington Contest - an excellent way to show off their new language skills.
The Houston Area Teachers of Foreign Languages is the only local professional organization for Houston area world language teachers. 

​HATFL is a professional organization that supports the teaching and use of world languages in the Houston area at the secondary level. Its structure includes special language sections for teachers of various world languages taught in our secondary schools.

Its structure includes special language sections for teachers of FrenchGermanLatinSpanishAmerican Sign LanguageChinese, and Japanese.


Houston Area Teachers of Foreign Languages
1902 Texas Pkwy
PO Box 2293
Missouri City, TX 77459
Contact Us